“Webinar –Mauritius: Africa’s Investment Hub”, Wednesday, 25 November 2020

The Economic Development Board Mauritius (EDB Mauritius), in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade of Mauritius, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, UNIDO ITPO Tokyo, Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO), Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI) and the Japan Business Council for Africa (JBCA), organised the first ‘Mauritius: Africa’s Investment Hub’ Webinar on Wednesday 25th November 2020.
The webinar saw the participation of 186 participants with areas of interest ranging from Construction and Infrastructure Development, LNG, Energy, ICT, E-Commerce, Fintech, Cyber Security, Venture Capital, Fund Management, Regional Headquartering, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Tourism, Waste Water Treatment to Textile.
H.E. Mr. Haymandoyal Dillum, Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade of Mauritius underlined that commitment to common values such as democracy, good governance and respect for the Rule of Law are the cornerstone of the Mauritius-Japan relation. During the participation of the Hon. Prime Minister of Mauritius to TICAD7 in 2019, key areas of collaboration such as enhanced business opportunities, Maritime Connectivity, Quality Infrastructure Investment, Blue Economy and Disaster Risk Reduction were identified.
The Secretary for Foreign Affairs apprised representatives of Japanese Conglomerates and members of the Mauritius business community that Mauritius is highly appreciative of Japan’s long-term commitment to the TICAD process, its commitment to peace and security on the African continent and the importance it attaches to “Africa’s ownership” of its development. In this regard, Mauritius will actively participate in the TICAD 8 preparatory meetings.
On the other hand, Mr. Ken Poonoosamy, Ag. Chief Executive Officer of EDB Mauritius emphasised the strong and growing partnership between Mauritius and Japan and elaborated on the opportunities offered by Mauritius as a Hub for Investment in Africa. The Mauritius business environment, supporting infrastructure, projects under development and the response of Mauritius to COVID-19 to preserve life and sustain economic development were also showcased.
Dr. Keiichiro Komatsu, Strategic Advisor to EDB Mauritius highlighted the strategic importance of the Indian Ocean region for connecting the Asia-Pacific, Middle-East and African regions and the position of Mauritius therein as an investment hub.
His Excellency Mr. Mikio Mori, Director-General/Assistant Minister (Ambassador), African Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan apprised the participants that Japan has set ‘Business Promotion’ as one of the main themes of TICAD7. Accordingly, the Japan Business Council for Africa (JBCA) was launched to promote innovation, investment and business through Public-Private Partnership. In line with Japan’s commitment to co-operate with Mauritius, a joint Public-Private Japanese business mission will be on an official visit to Mauritius shortly.
Mr. Yoshiaki Ishihara, Executive Director of Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Johannesburg commended the socio-economic measures undertaken by the Government of Mauritius to stimulate growth in response of COVID-19. In light of the MoU established between JETRO and EDB in the margins of TICAD7 in 2019, JETRO looks forward to collaborating further with EDB for the promotion of Mauritius as an Investment Hub.
Dr. Yuko Yasunaga, Head of UNIDO ITPO Tokyo stated that currently UNIDO-ITPO Tokyo is organizing an online business match making event from 20th November to 4th December 2020 to commemorate the “Africa Industrialization Day 2020 in Japan”. Fourteen companies from Mauritius operating in the agribusiness, food processing, manufacturing, waste management and recycling, ICT, financial services, retail, wholesale and distribution sectors are participating in this business matchmaking event.
Further details on the EDB Mauritius websites
Dr Komatsu’s ppt http://www.unido.or.jp/files/Dr.-Komatsu-PPT-2020-11-25Wed-EDBwebinar.pdf